Responding to World Intellectual Property Day April 26

On April 26, Hanoi Department of Science and Technology coordinated with the Department of Intellectual Property - Ministry of Science and Technology and the University of Transport and Communications to organize an event to respond to World Intellectual Property (IP) Day in 2024 with the theme "Intellectual property and sustainable development goals: Building a shared future through innovation and creativity".

Delegates perform rituals in response to World IP Day

The event is a series of activities responding to World IP Day to bring intellectual property closer to the capital's public, especially promoting and raising awareness of the role of intellectual property rights in protecting intellectual property, encourage innovation, improve strength, enhance position, reputation and competitiveness of products created from innovation in the process of international integration.

Patented inventions, utility solutions and designs help lead innovation in a variety of sectors related to goals such as agriculture, renewable energy and healthcare; Copyright helps drive advances in the delivery of quality education globally. Therefore, when it comes to sustainable development, intellectual property and innovation are key factors, paving the way for a greener and more creative world.

Humankind's relentless efforts in creativity and innovation have shown a significantly improved life with a desirable standard of living. Intellectual property encourages innovation and creativity and stimulates investment and is a catalyst for business growth, job creation, economic development and social resonance. This is a powerful tool for sustainable development, for human development.

Delegates attended the event

Speaking at the program, Mr. Le Huy Anh - Deputy Director of the Department of Intellectual Property said that since 2000, the World Intellectual Property Organization has selected April 26 as World Intellectual Property Day with the purpose to raise the awareness of intellectual property rights and expand the influence of intellectual property rights globally. In many countries, activities to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day 2024 have been taking place enthusiastically, calling for public attention to the field of intellectual property. In Vietnam, World Intellectual Property Day is also of interest to localities across the country with many meaningful events.

Mr. Le Huy Anh - Deputy Director of the Department of Intellectual Property spoke at the event.

The theme of Intellectual Property Day 2024 is “Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development Goals: Building a Shared Future with Innovation and Creativity” to explore how intellectual property can promote the impact of innovative solutions, towards building a shared future, for the United Nations' sustainable development goals. Vietnam is on the rise, with many transformations based on innovation, science and technology, promoting green growth and sustainable development. "Not sacrificing the environment in exchange for the economy" is one of the sustainable development orientations of our Party and State.

Within the framework of the program, a discussion took place with the topic "Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development Goals: Innovation in the field of Transportation".

Speakers from central and local management agencies, universities and intellectual property consultants share experiences and advise scientists on protecting their creative achievements.

In the current global situation where there are still many potential risks of epidemics, political conflicts, armed conflicts, climate change, and energy shortages, sustainable development is becoming an increasingly urgent issue of the whole world. Therefore, the message of World Intellectual Property Day 2024 is truly meaningful and is an opportunity for us to encourage and further promote innovation and intellectual property activities to improve life, ensuring clean water sources, ensuring food security, developing renewable energy to protect the environment, reducing emissions towards sustainable transportation,... With creative ideas that are realized, the creative industry has been creating many new jobs and more learning and development opportunities for young people.

The power of science and technology is drastically changing the socio-economic life of humanity, therefore, with the message of World Intellectual Property Day 2024, we hope that science, technology and intellectual property will receive greater attention to create a prosperous and sustainable future for the country.

