In January 2022, the Cybermetrics Lab under the Spanish Ministry of Education announced the ranking of educational institutions in the world. The evaluation criteria of this ranking are changed, based on three instead of four criteria as before, including:

  • VISIBILITY (50%) Number of external networks (subnets) linking to the institution's webpages 
  • TRANSPARENCY (10%) Number of citations from Top 210 authors (excl. top 20 outliers)
  • EXCELLENCE (40%) Number of papers amongst the top 10% most cited in each one of the all 27 disciplines of the full database. Data for the five year period: 2016-2020

According to the above assessment, the University of Transport and Communications (UTC) is ranked 21st in the list of Vietnam’s higher education institutions (including national and regional universities) and is also on the list of top 200 universities in Southeast Asia. Among the top 100 higher education institutions in Vietnam, UTC ranks first among universities in the field of Transport, ranked above the schools: Thuyloi University (ranked 28th), Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (ranked 39th), Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport (rank 64th), Maritime University (rank 71th), University of Transport Technology (rank 97th).

In order for Webometrics to properly evaluate the University's indicators, from 2021 the University has rebuilt the website in English and Vietnamese towards a better approach to users. UTC has issued a document guiding the lecturers and scientists of the University to register their records and publish information about their scientific publications on the Google Scholar database. Up to this point, 150 scientists of UTC have published their records on Google Scholar, with about 130 records with citations and 30 records with more than 100 citations. With this effort, compared to the ranking in January 2021, on the international level, the University's rankings on two criteria “the impact of the website” and Number of citations” have increased significantly, contributing to make UTC become one of the highest ranked technical higher institutions in this ranking of Vietnam.

Ranking of Top 100 Vietnamese universities in January 2022.
