From March 13 to the end of March 15, 2023, University of Transport and Communications hosted the meeting "Evaluation of progress and preparation for finishing work package 6" within the framework of the project "Renovating university governance in Southeast Asia – PURSEA”. This is a capacity building project for universities funded by the European Union with the participation of 16 universities and research centers, including 8 Asian partners.

Within the framework of the project, the universities carried out an internal assessment of their governance, thereby developing a development strategy, making an overall action plan to implement the strategy, and selecting a number of priority activities to be implemented within the framework of the project.

At this meeting, the universities focused on evaluating the implementation results and completing the working package No. 6. Accordingly, the universities focused on presenting the results of implementing priority activities, exchanging difficulties, problems in the implementation process and sharing experiences of successful implementation according to the method directly trained by international experts of the project.

Participants from 16 partner universities 

Attending the meeting were Dr. Nguyen Thi Cuc Phuong – Vice President of Hanoi University; project coordinator, together with representatives of the AUF and 24 participants of 16 partner universities from Belgium, France, Germany, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Long – Chairman of UTC Council delivered a greeting speech and presented souvenirs to participants

The meeting took place in the context that the project was taking the final steps before the overall assessment at Hanoi University on March 16-17, 2023 and transferring the project results to the partner universities. From the University of Transport and Communications, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Long - Chairman of the UTC Council and Dr. Trinh Quang Khai – Director of International Cooperation and Development Studies Department welcomed the participants. Speaking at the meeting, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Long welcomed and thanked international experts, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Cuc Phuong and project participants. He also emphasized the initial successes of the project at the University of Transport and Communications, including:

  • The project's equipment has been invested and integrated into the University's e-learning studio system, which is now operating very effectively and is creating more opportunities to expand training types at University;
  • The University's strategy for the period 2021-2025 with many contents developed within the approved project framework;
  • The medium-term action plan for the period from 2023 to 2025 with the goal of implementing the overall strategy has been completed by the universities and is being consulted widely throughout the universities to officially issue it around April 2023.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Long also expressed his hope that the meeting of the Project Coordinating Board would be successful and that the coordinators of the project and AUF would continue to collaborate, trust and support UTC in the remaining work of the project and subsequent cooperation activities.

During the meeting at the University, project coordinators from partner universities and international experts visited the UTC E-Learning Center, listened to Prof. Dr. Dao Duy Lam – Deputy Director of the center, a member implementing the project shared about the results of using the equipment of the project funded for the center.

International experts experienced the E-Learning system at the UTC.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Cuc Phuong – Vice President of Hanoi University, Chief Coordinator of the project coordinated the meeting.

On behalf of the project team, Dr. Nguyen Thi Cuc Phuong – Chief Coordinator of the project expressed her thanks to the University of Transport and Communications for the careful preparation steps for the project meeting, and highly appreciated the implementation results of the UTC.

International Cooperation and Development Studies Department
